Ridge Gourd Chutney Recipe by Gowri Chebbi
Experience the unique flavor and texture of ridge gourd complemented by the freshness of coriander and the kick of green chilies in this versatile chutney.
- 1 Ridge gourd, peeled and chopped
- 6 to 8 Green chilies
- ½ cup fresh coconut, grated
- ½ bunch of coriander leaves
- ½ tsp roasted fenugreek seeds
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- Salt, to taste
1. In a pan, dry roast the ridge gourd, green chilies, coconut, coriander leaves, and fenugreek seeds until the ingredients release their aroma and are slightly browned.
2. Transfer the roasted mixture into a grinder, add brown sugar and salt. Blend everything together into a fine paste, making sure not to add any water.
3. Store in an airtight container and serve as a side or spread.
Tip: You can also prepare a delicious radish chutney using the same ingredients and method.